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Irizar at Lat.Bus 2024

The brand, known for its premium products and distinctive design, is presenting its new model, aimed at Latin American markets

At Lat.Bus 2024, Irizar Brasil is presenting the most efficient bus in its history: a new generation of its road bus model, the Irizar i6S Efficient, which is more efficient, sustainable and profitable. The model launched on the Latin American market has been specially developed for the region's operating conditions. 

With the new Irizar i6S, consumption and emissions have been reduced by up to 13 per cent and the aerodynamic coefficient by 30 per cent. The Irizar i6S Efficient is a state-of-the-art vehicle, designed to offer maximum efficiency for operators and the best experience for travellers, always in line with the brand's commitment to sustainability. 

Excellent aerodynamic performance, which has been reduced by 30 per cent, is the key to this new generation of buses. Part of the front of the vehicle and the roof have been modified, and work has been carried out on the curvature of the windscreen glass and the rest of the front windows to reduce air resistance to a minimum. 

In addition, the Irizar i6S Efficient comes with modern digital vision cameras, dispensing with the use of rear-view mirrors, with the aim of providing a wide-angle view in all weather conditions. These modifications improve the driver's direct and indirect field of vision.

The space for passengers has been extended, thus improving ergonomics and comfort. In addition, noise and vibrations have been minimised.Similarly, the driver's position has been redesigned to be more comfortable and ergonomic and to offer a wider field of vision. Hispacold's exclusive new range of air conditioners is more compact, lighter and more efficient. 

The i6S Efficient offers the most advanced active safety systems for accident prevention. In addition, the vehicle's structure has been reinforced, improving its response to torsion, bending and frontal impact, thus increasing passive safety. The integration of the electronics, the accessibility of the controls and the virtual clock panel also allow the driver to interact with the vehicle, quickly obtain all the information and manage the entertainment and comfort system.

The i6S Efficient, like all Irizar vehicles, is designed using the most advanced technologies in design, materials, components and production processes. It has undergone fatigue and durability tests at one of the world's most prestigious applied research institutes to guarantee its reliability and quality.

As always, at Irizar we adapt to markets and customers, offering the possibility of unlimited customisation of the car for the customer.

This is how Irizar demonstrates its commitment to its customers and society, and the high added value of its products and services. Without forgetting the fundamental aspects of design, customisation, reliability, profitability and sustainability.

This is how Irizar demonstrates its commitment to customers and society, offering high added value in its products and services. Without forgetting such fundamental aspects as design, customisation, reliability, profitability and sustainability.